Amanda Valentine Transwoman Etiquette Trilogy

Transwoman Etiquette

The Transwoman Etiquette Trilogy series is the follow-up of Amanda Valentine’s successful dating debut title Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen.

In her first book, she provided a veritable roadmap for men who want to have a transgender girlfriend. In this series, she’s teaching the modern transgender woman about self-worth and improvement. Because many transgender women have lost their fire and confidence from day-to-day battles with oppression and discrimination, they need a reminder and a hard push to get them back on track.

Let Amanda Valentine show you how much potential you have with the Transwoman Etiquette Trilogy.

Live a life of Love, Luxury, and Legacy!

Dating Rich Men for Transgender Women – Get Here

Beauty Secrets of Transgender Bombshells – Get Here

The Classy Transgender Lady – Get Here

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